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New Anti-Circumvention Regulations Open Questions About Public Interest Consideration, Scope Inquiries


Trade Law Daily attended the Georgetown International Trade Update where MMM Partner, Julie Mendoza, participated in a panel on the interplay between the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission (ITC). The discussion highlighted differing views between Commerce’s new anti-circumvention regulations and potential reforms to such regulations moving forward. Debated were the various elements of anti-circumvention inquiries, including the prospect of adding a public interest consideration when making decisions on whether to open anti-circumvention cases.

Julie Mendoza spoke about the prospect of adding in such a consideration, sharing that the broader impact of anti-circumvention law should be considered and that the ultimate goal is getting manufacturing back into the United States. Mendoza explained that anti-circumvention laws could harm this prospect for manufacturers that move back, then need to continue importing certain inputs but find the process daunting given the duties on the goods.

Read the full article here.