We provide day-to-day guidance on how to comply with the often misunderstood rules associated with GSA Schedules such as the price reduction clause or how to sell Open Market items on a GSA Schedule task order.
We have extensive knowledge of every facet of the GSA Schedule program. Our attorneys work with clients daily on various GSA Schedule issues from cradle to grave. Throughout the entire process, we educate our clients on their obligations and how Schedules “work” so that troubles down the road are avoided.
Ways We Can Help
- Identify and apply for the correct GSA Schedule and Special Item Numbers
- Prepare and submit proposal package that will avoid immediate rejection
- Negotiate pricing
- Draft the Final Proposal Revision
- Prepare modifications after award
- Manage pricelist files in Schedule Input Program (SIP)
- Submit filings like Federal Acquisition Services (FAS) sales report and small business subcontracting reports