We offer one of the most skilled and highly experienced legal teams in the Georgia public pension and retirement plan area.
We regularly represent governmental employers, including cities, counties, regional authorities, hospital authorities, and transit authorities, and board and committees overseeing governmental plans. We have extensive experience addressing the specialized needs of governmental plans, including compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Ways We Can Help
- Types of Governmental Plans
- Defined benefit pension plans
- “Hybrid” plans
- Governmental “pick-up” contributions
- 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements
- DROP Programs
- Defined contribution plans
- 457(b) plans
- 457(f) deferred compensation plans
- OPEB trusts
- Fiduciary and Compliance Services
Issues Unique to Governmental Plans in Georgia:
- Public Retirement Systems Investment Authority Law
- Open Meetings Act and Open Records Act
- State law fiduciary requirements