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Beyond CMMC: Implementing the 2024 DIB Cybersecurity Strategy

06.27.2024 (12:00 PM)

Join us as we dive into the Department of Defense's (DoD) 2024 Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity Strategy, which prevails over one of the most contested domains in today’s government contracting world: cybersecurity. During this one-hour session, our Kelly Carlson and Secure IT's Les Buday will examine the following topics set to impact government contractors of all sizes, small or large, supporting the DoD:

  • An overview of what the 2024 Strategy does and does not do
  • The four cybersecurity objectives the 2024 Strategy sets forth as priorities for the Government and the DIB
  • The impact of the objectives in today’s current landscape and how such may drive the future cybersecurity landscape
  • Steps the DIB can take today to implement cybersecurity requirements up to and beyond the CMMC 2.0 program 

Recent high-profile attacks mounted from Russia, China, and criminal networks are increasingly sophisticated and aggressive, leaving reactive and passive response strategies a thing of the past. Necessarily, the DoD’s current cyber strategy includes a plan of attack from all angles. It also positions the DIB to prioritize proactive, collaborative, and transparent prevention and response tactics.

We invite you to navigate the cybersecurity squalls together as we work toward a more resilient and secure DIB ecosystem.

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